This is a new 14th Street taqueria and tequileria brought to you by Richard Sandoval of Masa 14 fame. On the street floor you can visit the casual eating space in front or head to the dining room in the rear. Fill up on traditional Mexican dishes like tamales, carne asada, tacos (try the shrimp alambre with bacon and oaxaca cheese), and enchiladas (go for beef brisket with entomatado sauce and crema fresca).
You can also head to the lower-level bar to sample 200 types of tequila and mezcal. Take it straight up or go for a cocktail with herbs, botanicals, and house-made bitters. You can also kick back on the roof with a homemade soda or Mexican beer cocktail (with smoked bacon garnish).
We wish Sr. Sandoval "buena suerte (good luck!)" with the new restaurant at 1819 14th Street!