Yesterday, I testified on behalf of the ANC2B and my constituents in 2B09 at the Board of Zoning Adjustment for the Utopia project at 14th & U Streets, NW (see elevation plan, right). The good news is that at the proceeding, the BZA voted unanimously to approve the variance requests. Developer, Robert Moore, and his team have worked with the community to mesh the project with our unique historic block at the southwest corner. I look forward to continuing to work with the developer and seeing this project take shape. The project is a mixed-use retail and apartment complex that will bring approximately 20,000 SF of new retail and 230 apartments. Artist Alex, a resident of the block, has created a 3-D model of the project, which I'd be happy to show you if you're interested.
Now that the campaign and the BZA hearing for Utopia is past, I'll be able to catch up with all of you!
I want to send warm wishes to Michele Molotsky in her new role with the DC Government as a specialist with the Department of Parks and Recreation. Thanks, Michele, for all your efforts on our behalf over these nine years of service at the Council!
And, congrats on the completion of the first Ward Two dog park!