The Dupont Circle Citizens Association held its annual election of directors and officers on Monday, May 4. The race for President ended in a tie with 51 votes each for Ron Clayton and Robin Diener. Eight provisional ballots will be counted on Saturday to determine the winner.
John Hockensmith was unopposed in his bid for reelection as 1st VP as were Judith Niebrief for Secretary, Nancy Hartsock for Treasurer and Haru Shimura for a one year directorship. Other winners included Susan Dunn for 2nd VP and James Dudney and Marisa Uchin for three year directorships. Maureen McLellan and Lex Reiffel battled for a two year directorship in a race that is too close to call and will rely on the counting of provisional ballots to determine the outcome.
I look forward to working with the new board of DCCA and resolve to assist them in their various efforts on behalf of our community. At the request of the DCCA Board it was my pleasure to serve as Parliamentarian at the Annual Membership Meeting on Monday night to ensure that everything went smoothly. I can't wait to find out who DCCA's next President will be!