Aman Ayoubi, owner of Local 16, announced his plans to open "Local 14" next door to Room and Board at the corner of 14th and T Streets NW. It will occupy the building that housed the historic first African-American department store in D.C.
He introduced his partners at last night's ANC meeting, noting that he will be working with a local farmer, architect and chef to bring this new restaurant to our neighborhood. The second floor will feature a Japanese-inspired grilled chicken kebab menu.
He also plans to add an enclosed roofdeck over his kitchen in the rear of the building. Neighbors who live behind the proposed roofdeck have filed a petition with ABRA to protest the license in order to negotiate a voluntary agreement with Aman and his partners. The ANC voted unanimously to support their efforts by agreeing to protest subject to the negotiation of a VA.
Aman plans to host a community event later this month at the farm so stay tuned for details.